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Workshops, lectures, and seminars

One of the most tangible ways ATI helps its partner churches is through the regular organiSation of events designed to build up the local church. These range from evening lectures on a theological topic to a full course on an essential ministry skill.


Our resources and network of partners gives us a wide range of possibilities. So, if you'd like us to help you equip your local church, reach out to us! We'd love to explore the possibilities with you.



Our favourite stuff on marketplace missions

The Aquila vision for marketplace missions is only a small part of what God is doing in the hearts and minds of His church. There are a lot of ministers, church planters, business people, and missionaries who are trying to rethink models of church planting that have been used for the past century.


Check out these resources to help you along your journey of discovery!


The ATI blog

Periodically we have a chance to sit down and write out our thoughts on ministry, business, church planting,
cross-cultural living, etc.

Have a look! You may be encouraged or inspired. If you have an idea for a post, be sure to get in touch with our academic director.

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